Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bubble bath the ultimate luxury

What do we all crave for after an arduous day? A nice warm bubble bath with lavender oil, a head pillow, surrounded with candles, soft music, rose petals, a bottle of wine and James Franco giving you a nice foot massage. Well if James is not available, you can always get a rubber ducky or a book.

What is it about a bubble bath that soothes your senses and puts you in that zen mode? And why is it only women have bubble baths? Perhaps, men do too but are still in the closet about it.

The only detriment to a bubble bath is maintaining its temperature. After awhile of soaking yourself in the tub, the temperature starts to drop. My school teacher once told me that soaking in a bathtub is not her cup of tea because the dirt would also be floating in the tub. What an ugly picture to paint for such a sensual portrayal.

I visited my friend’s apartment after she had it furbished. My friend has a flair for the interior decoration although by day she’s a lawyer by profession. I remember her bathroom. It’s one room I wouldn’t mind renting and living in! It had spot lights, with mirrors all around and a hint of Balinese in it. Perfect!

A bubble bath should be long, dreamy, and luxurious. Don’t insult it by dipping in for 10 minutes and coming out quickly. If that’s the case, the pleasure of a bubble bath is not meant for you.

So what reasons I can think of for having a bubble bath? A nice way to bond with your partner, a good stress reliever, the best way of spending some lone time or a good reason to finish your book. In fact there could be no reason at all. Just soak yourself in and you have set yourself up for Nirvana.

Every woman needs this, in fact I would recommend men to start jumping into the bandwagon. Speaking of which, I need to go now, I have a bubble bath waiting for me.


  1. dont lie - you went to do your work.
    I certainly love to take long baths as well although i don't really have a bathtub. If i travel outstation and if the hotel has a bathtub...then hell yeah i'll be soaking in it with a ciggie, drink and dream.... (provided that the tub is clean and no stains) and about bonding with your partner...ABSOLUTELY spot on. It's sexy :) damn now I'm reminiscing.

  2. Nice to know the bubble bath's brought back good memories :)

  3. there is just way too many things i wana say but...mmmrgg...its OK as long as Charles is happy....

  4. great, now you've made me wanna leave the office, rush home and jump into my balinese bathtub with my other half, who loves takes long baths with his bodyshop strawberry flavoured bath gel.. hahaha!!btw, is the school teacher the same one i'm thinking off? ;)

  5. memories which I DONT want to rememberla doink!

  6. Mrs Chan (the happening one lah), ha ha ha, looks like the bubble bath is awakening a lot of romantic moments for all, high time i get one too. Can i have yours :P

  7. i thought it was ms pushpa.. its like something only she would say ;) of course but you have to first get through my slut bf to get to it..!

  8. Ha ha ha, I say best friends trump boyfriends
