Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Must resist desserts

While crash diets seem to be the in thing these days, can one really have control over one’s cravings?

Can you honestly stop yourself from a warm chocolate sundae? Say no to Tiramisu? Creamy cannoli, panna cotta, chocolate mousse, gulab jamun…..ok my housemate would surely say no to all of these but I know she can’t resist dark chocolates. So you see while we are obsessing over our waistline and praying our weighing scale will not tip over, the evil pastry chefs have a different agenda altogether for us…damn those people!

Desserts used to be optional but as time progressed; desserts became a must have during dinners or lunch. Skip the appetizers but always leave room for desserts, sounds familiar?

Then to delude ourselves, we indulge in low caloried ice cream or a diet coke or a low fat yoghurt thinking we can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Sure these eases our conscious of not having the undesirable muffin forming on our waist line but truly is it the real thing? Can a low fat chocolate cake give you the necessary kick of endorphins or as they say a substitute to great sex?

One can only wonder

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