Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Why is the unattainable so irresistible?
Monday, March 15, 2010
Those nasty PMSes
Monday, February 22, 2010
Tick…tock….tick…tock…. there goes my biological clock
Now who’s is the most constant person to remind you that you are getting old and if you don’t get hitched soon, you are going to have troubles getting pregnant. You are damn right!! Its our moms!!!!
Its funny how they are attuned to our bodies more than we are to ours. Yes, I worry sometimes about the fertility of my eggs. God knows when I would get married and would my eggs still be fresh when I intend to continue my lineage, but let’s get real; firstly to find a man who’s is nice to have a relationship would be a big challenge, secondly to find someone who’d wanna commit to marriage …ha ha ha, yeah sure fat chance of that happening and suppose you are lucky enough to find such a man, asking him about when you want to start a family and him replying right away are the same odds as catching Santa Claus sliding down your chimney on Christmas eve.
Realize how the biological clock is not a constant clock? It happens to every woman at different ages of their lives, I have younger friends who have had theirs beating already while mine is yet to kick in. I have come to believe my biological clock’s batteries are dead, that probably explains the procrastination.
According to this website, http://www.extendfertility.com/, when it comes to issues of fertility, it is the age of the egg, not the age of the woman that matters most. Women are born with a finite number of eggs, around 1 million. At puberty, that number has dwindled to 400,000 and subsequently approximately 750 eggs are lost each month. The eggs not only begin to diminish in quantity, but also in quality. The combination of these factors leads to a woman’s fertility beginning to decline in her 20’s and significantly deteriorating after age 35.
So yeah even if I wanted babies, I’d still need a sperm to help me with that arrangement and with mom’s old fashioned idea on how you need to get married first and then have kids, I can kiss the idea of heading off to a sperm bank goodbye!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Don’t give me sweet, give me hot!

Sex is the pop culture and its here to stay. Everything is getting shorter, wider and lower!
Everyone wants to look sexy, men, women and even Paris Hilton’s
People who say sexy is just an inner confident feeling is utter bullshit, advertisers tell you, you can only feel sexy if you are wearing something that exposes your cleavage or your butt cheeks or both. How many advertisements have you seen in a fashion magazine that doesn’t sell sex?
We have cosmetic, sunnies, jeans, perfumes, dresses, shoes, colours, hairstyles, hats to make us look faboosh even if we don’t have the body to compensate for it. Less is more and all men are probably agreeing to this. Sex sells like hot buns! Skinny jeans that show off your ass crack is so in now, everyone wants a lipstick that would make their lips look plump and juicy.
Look at the artists transition who started from the girl next door image. Jessica Simpson went from sweet and innocent to a tramp in her videoclip These Boots Are Made For Walking (yes I know all of you are going to be checking this video now) She was in a skimpy red bikini and washing a car, occasionally she missed the car and started foaming herself. Then, you had Janet Jackson the cute bubbly youngest
Mother Teresa ain’t getting the highest website hits now. Its all about Paris Hilton and her infamous sex tape, Beyonce Shaking her booty, Shakira rolling herself on mud, Pussycat Dolls with pushing their buttons (pun intended!) and now Lady Gaga who strolls down the streets with no pants.
The French Vogue for July issue tried to glamorize the anti-pants fashion. I can’t imagine wearing just a shirt and my underwear to office although that could raise my chances of getting a promotion but the thought of walking around the streets of KL in that get up that will not make me feel sexy but slutty and the last thing I need is a car pulling over next to me and asking how much to boost my sex appeal!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Cheating in smells

Body odor - everyone’s nightmare because it’s something you don’t realize you have which everyone else can sniff and will bitch about behind your back. Your only hint? When you receive loads of cologne and perfumes during the company Christmas party.
Body odor is such a put off especially when you are in close proximity with others although I had a friend with really bad BO that we could sniff her a mile away.
However, maybe we should just dismiss this theory as something bad and turn the angle a 180o. Research shows that pheromones can be sexually attractive to an unsuspecting victim…Yippee, lucky us! According to
Although, unlike animals I doubt smell can be a main attraction for humans because our noses are just not sensitive enough to pick up natural scent unless it’s really bad. Playing on these notions, you have giant cosmetic companies introducing you to a blend of exotic scents with the promise of sex, lust and carnal pleasures all trapped in a bottle that will cost you about $150 which of course suckers like us fall for.
Hei, who doesn’t wanna smell seductive if it could be bought in a bottle?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Who says I love you first?

I read this joke somewhere, this woman asked her friend how to break up with her boyfriend, and the friend replies, easy just tell him you love him. Now why is it that love is the hardest word to say in a relationship? I believe because saying ‘I love you’ opens more than just floodgates but also invites landslides, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and tornadoes. It breaks the boundaries of control and that wall you build around yourself.
Love is the most complex emotion and misconstrued word ever. Saying I love you entails actions and how many men/women have we dated actually did actions that reflected that?
What could be worse in saying I love you to the person you love? You become worried your partner would get scared of the commitment you just imposed on them. If I said I love you and he/she replied I love you too, would it be because they felt pressured they had to say it? Did they actually love you in the first place then? We always expect the man to say it first so that they wouldn’t run away if we say it first. Although I have met men who can look a woman straight in the eye and tell her he loves her without flinching and yet of course not mean it.
My English Literature teacher told us during high school that love is just a 4 lettered cheap word. At that time, we were stunned at her beliefs. How could she utter such blasphemy!! She had crushed our ideals of love and romance. She continues further, ‘love has no meaning. You don’t just say I love you to your husband’, you also say I love my bag or I love this colour and I love this shoe that I just got. Today you say I love you to your boyfriend, you break up the next day and you say I love to the next boyfriend.’
Have we been using the word love so blatantly that it is now lost in translation? I hope not, because the word love is the only word we can use to express how we feel towards that someone we don’t want to let go off. Take love away and we are left feeling hollow and empty.
So the next time I say I love you to that certain someone, I want to mean it and I don’t care who says it first because love breaks down ego. In the words of Max Ehrmann, Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Have you been naughty or nice?

· Good girls loosen a few buttons when its hot
· Bad girls make it hot by loosening a few buttons
· Good girls blush during sex scenes in movies
· Bad girls know they could do it better
· Good girls wear white cotton panties
· Bad girls don't wear any
· Good girls think they're not fully dressed without a strand of pearls
· Bad girls think they're fully dressed with just a strand of pearls
· Good girls pack their toothbrush
· Bad girls pack their diaphragms
· Good girls own only one credit card and rarely use it
· Bad girls own only one bra and rarely use it
· Good girls wear high heels to work
· Bad girls wear high heels to bed
· Good girls think the office is the wrong place to have a romance
· Bad girls think no place is the wrong place
· Good girls say no
· Bad girls say when?
· Good girls go to the party, go home, then go to bed
· Bad girls go to the party, go to bed and then go home
· Good Girls Go to Heaven
· Bad Girls Go Everywhere
Now I’m sure deep, deep, deep inside…Santa’s hoping you were naughty J
Merry X’Mas