Monday, August 17, 2009

To play or not to play?

While men play the role of the prowlers, women on the other hand get into their hard to get MO. While all these ‘fowl plays’ are fun and exciting, is it really healthy?

What happens when the mind games are over and the thrill takes a downhill -he becomes tame and you conquered; at that time the only thing that will save you is your personality and skills in bed, heck what else is there to keep the fire burning?

What is it about mind games that keep us on our toes? He calls and you can only pick up after the 3rd ring and if he doesn’t call for the second time, you are sitting on your bed with a tub of Ben & Jerrys wondering what happened. You can never appear too available; you always have to pretend you don’t care; and there’s that 3rd day rule of calling. Calling on first day is desperation, second day is instant gratification and the third day is perfect because both of you will be missing each other. Who made all these rules up anyway?

What’s the objective in mind games? To not appear too easy? But why? Is it because we want the men’s respect or is it because we enjoy the chase? Do we want to be chased? Yes!! It builds our self esteem. But isn’t it a vicious cycle when the men’s interest is only in chasing and once he’s got you he’s already have you on his leash? So it continues and to avoid the control; you keep running and he keeps chasing.

I used to enjoy mind games …. about 10 years ago but I find as you grow older you only want to be honest and set the intention straight so that no one gets hurt and the man knows you are not in for a one night stand and that itself will eliminate at least 85% of the men out there


  1. why have all the games? If you meet someone nice and sincere in his expression to you and you feel the same then why would you want to push him away or even test the person? Everyone looks for everlasting and eternal love but there's rules and regulations to it? as in how we approach it and we should act etc...? Why? Were there any rules applied when you suddenly find yourself so in love with a person? and just to see the person running away while you try to chase? If the person is sincere and truly loves you then it doesn't matter if you've been tamed or conquered or anything else. the person would love you for who you are. But of course that's the hardest part - finding the one who will accept who you are.
    I hate mind games. I feel that if you want the person just as badly the person wants you then there's no need for the chase or acting hard. Of course its a risk - love just like every other feelings will fade but its what the parties involved does that makes the flame going in the end. Of course you could only get it from the 15% balance of men out there who are rare species. But even the 15% are ending up chasing women who are playing mind games..... i guess

  2. Hard one, mind games just happen i guess because both parties will aways keep guessing what's gonna be the other person's next move.

    Honesty being the best policy is usually under rated and never so much appreciated. Meet a guy on Sunday and he tells you he has fallen in love with you on Mon and what happens? You freak out. If he buys his time and flatters you and keeps you on your toes, you become drawn to him and saying I love you becomes easier.

    Mind games are there for excitement it's really how much you choose to indulge

  3. if a guy meets you on sunday and tells you that he loves on monday - even ill be worried. that only happens in the movies. I can only speak from the guys view - some keeps trying and trying while the girls plays her mind games and sometimes just to keep herself amused and the guy goes crazy over her and suddenly...just tells him that she's with someone else. bodoh rite... or maybe she likes him but at the same time likes someone better...but then dont want to lose both options and kept giving hints to him that she likes him and in the end...bam... then what the guy to do? Guys are not the most perfect sex in the world. we all have our flaws but when it comes to emotions and feelings...both guys and girls are just the same. Maybe some has better control and maybe some dont. Maybe a bit of mind games are good.... a bit too much and there will only be hurt and disappointments for one party or both. anyway this is a grey area....

  4. Ha ha ha, my dear friend. As mentioned both men and women engage in this. Men also have their fair share of games and not just women. Let's be fair :)
